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  • ccw

CivilianConcealed Carry

Semi-automatic pistol
Red Dot

Two Seventeen's CCW is a three day course for civilians with an emphasis on self-defense concealed carry pistol to win a life threatening incident.

A 2025 study by the Crime Prevention Research Center showed that "concealed carry permit holders stopped 51.5 percent of active shootings, compared to 44.6 percent stopped by police." We encourage you to read The Federalist article titled: "Concealed Carriers Do A Better Job Of Stopping Active Shooters Than Police."

Here's an excerpt: "Police officers are often at a disadvantage because their uniforms make them obvious targets, while civilians can stop an attacker before being noticed. Compare the numbers from active shootings stopped by police versus those stopped by armed civilians, and permit holders stack up pretty well."

Code 217 CCW instructors are certified NRA LE Semi-Automatic Pistol, NRA CCP and Advanced Pistol instructors, as well as, Sig Sauer Academy Semi-Automatic Pistol and Team One CCW Instructors. The course involves classroom, range and force-on-force scenario training delivered in a progressive order.

Good Guys Wear Guns®.

Range Work
CCW Tactics
/ Hosting Program Undfted

See Two Seventeen's in-depth guide for those interested in sponsoring or hosting Code 217 at your facility. Please contact us for more info and download the above Hosting PDF.